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Nurturing Wellness: Ayurvedic Solutions for Lasting Obesity Treatment

The global obesity epidemic continues to surge, emerging as a paramount health concern worldwide. Recent data implies that it might imminently surpass smoking as a significant health threat. This unsettling trend stems from the fact that excess weight, particularly obesity, escalates susceptibility to an array of health issues. These encompass type 2 diabetes, heart ailments, and specific cancers (such as endometrial, breast, and colon), in addition to stroke, joint pain, high blood pressure, and more.

Shree Ayurved & Panchakarma Hospital understands the complexities of combatting adiposity. Conventional weight loss methods might falter; hence, our Obesity Treatment in Pune integrates Ayurvedic therapies, weight loss-oriented Yoga & Meditation, providing a comprehensive approach.

What is obesity according to Ayurveda?

Obesity, characterized by the accumulation of fat beneath the skin and surrounding vital organs, escalates susceptibility to ailments like diabetes and hypertension. Ayurveda terms this condition as "sthula," considering it a significant health issue akin to "medo horn."

According to Charaka Samhita, symptoms of obesity encompass sizeable hips and a drooping chest. Fortunately, Ayurveda offers a potent remedy for this concern. Embracing holistic principles, it tackles obesity through tailored therapies, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications.

What Triggers Obesity and How Does Shree Ayurved & Panchakarma Hospital Address It?

  • Obesity affects all age groups, intensified by age-related hormonal shifts and reduced physical activity, especially in children.
  • Unhealthy eating habits, characterized by calorie-laden junk food and large portions, contribute to weight gain, worsened by a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Genetic predisposition, influenced by conditions like Cushing's syndrome and certain drugs, complicates metabolism and energy use.
  • Disrupted sleep patterns, linked to socio-economic factors, disturb appetite-regulating hormones, increasing the risk of weight gain.

Ayurveda, an ancient holistic system, offers unique insights with principles based on seven essential tissue elements or dhaatus. Ayurvedic teachings emphasize the accumulation of excessive fat, depicted as honey, as a contributor to obesity. This concept aligns with the modern understanding of fat distribution in the body, encompassing organs and subcutaneous layers.

In the pursuit of holistic well-being, Shree Ayurved & Panchakarma Hospital integrates these traditional insights with contemporary understanding, offering comprehensive solutions to address and manage obesity.

What Are the Symptoms of Obesity?

Experiencing obesity is marked by a range of symptoms, including

  • excessive weight gain,
  • dyspnea,
  • increased perspiration,
  • snoring,
  • discomfort in the back and joints.
  • rapid fatiguability

Being overweight significantly heightens the susceptibility to high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, and stroke.

What are the Complications of Obesity?

Obesity poses various complications, primarily arising from excessive fat accumulation. This can result in persistent pressure on arteries and veins, paving the way for atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, or heart attacks. Liver and kidney ailments may manifest, and the risk of stroke increases significantly. Furthermore, obesity is linked to infertility, impacting reproductive health. Its toll extends beyond the physical, affecting mental well-being. Feelings of social unacceptance, low self-esteem, and depression often plague the obese.

Addressing these concerns is crucial, and holistic care at Shree Ayurved & Panchakarma Hospital can play a pivotal role in mitigating these adversities.

In What Ways Does Ayurveda Address Obesity?

Embraced across ages, Ayurvedic therapies emerge as potent remedies for critical health concerns. Presently, a surge in favor of Ayurvedic Obesity Treatment in Pune is witnessed due to their multifaceted advantages. In combatting obesity, Ayurveda adopts a comprehensive approach encompassing mindful nourishment, stress management, and harmonizing lifestyle. Tailored to individual body constitution or dosha, Ayurvedic interventions target malas (waste products), agni (digestive fire), and strotas (circulatory channels).

Ayurveda offers a spectrum of obesity treatments rooted in time-honored herbal practices. These efficacious methods reinstate dosha equilibrium.

Basti (Enema)

Suited for Vata-dominant individuals, Basti employs herbs like haritaki, amalaki, musta, and Guduchi. By dispelling excess Vata and toxins, this technique enhances digestion and purifies the colon, with diverse Basti variations for specific concerns.

Udvartana (Powder Massage)

Ideal for Kapha-related obesity, Udvartana employs powder massage to incite fat burning, bolster strength, and invigorate the skin. It curbs Kapha, curtails undesirable odors, and regulates perspiration.

Vamana (Emesis)

A daily practice to expel naadi-clogging mucus, Vamana employs herbs like liquorice, salt water, neem, and Amalaki to alleviate obesity.

Virechana (Purgation)

A Panchakarma method, Virechana employs aloe, rhubarb, and senna for purgation, reducing pitta dosha. Obese individuals usually receive 100 ML of Triphala kwatha and 40 ML of castor oil.


Utilizing Amalaki, haritaki, vidanga, and shilajit, Rasayanas rejuvenate, dissolve excess fat, and are tailored to dosha imbalances.

Ayurvedic Medications

Beyond procedural herbs, oral medication also aids obesity management.

To enhance your well-being through Ayurveda, consider seeking Obesity Treatment in Pune at Shree Ayurved & Panchakarma Hospital, where ancient wisdom converges with modern care.